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  1. Oh Kari, I just LOVE reading your stories of how God is moving MIGHTILY through your family every single day!  I love that your surrender and obedience to Him and His plan has had immediate consequences of BLESSING beyond our wildest imaginations!!!  Thank you for sharing this amazing story – you and your family have encouraged me to believe God for BIG things in my own family and (hopefully) with our own African adventure!!  We are planning and dreaming and praying BIG about what God might have in store for us with Chris!! 😉  Thank you for your help and encouragement!!

    Love you so much, friend!!

  2. I love you, Friend!  I love this story and I can easily envision Roger loving this young girl and her new baby.  I can just see the look in his eyes and the big ‘ol smile on his face as the name was chosen.  I can also see you bopping around Fistula Hospital like you own the place, beaming with pride.  I wish I were there too, but am so glad I have shared these places with you in the past so I can “be” there with you in my mind and heart.  Thanks for posting so I can live vicariously thru your stories!

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