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  1. Hi Kari! I leave as a newbie leader for VO on december 27 to Rwanda/Ethiopia. I too stumbled upon this opportunity and am humbled God even considered me for this role…

    Would love to chat some time and get any tips or ideas from ya!


  2. I cannot wait to go to Africa next year and leave my heart there! Even better if it's on a trip with you Kari!!

    Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  3. I am so excited to hear more about it!! I am still so sad that I did not go on the trip with you especially because it was such the desire of my heart but because of the pregnancy, I did not feel it was the right time.

    Please pray for us, at almost 18 weeks pregnant, I learned today that the baby has died. S/he is now with Jesus. We are devastated but know that God has a plan and I want to glorify God even when things do not go as we planned! I have another scan tomorrow to confirm but it looks certain that our precious little one with is with Jesus. My older three children are so sad and it breaks my heart seeing their pain. Please pray that the Lord will comfort us all through this time.

    love, Naomi

  4. Hi Kari! I am SO EXCITED to "follow your journey" in Africa through your blog! It sounds like it was such a blessed trip!

    Naomi ~ I am so sorry to hear of your news. My heart aches for you. My eyes well up with tears. I, too, have been where you are. More than once. My prayers go out to you and your family.

    May God's love cover and protect both of you, Kari and Naomi!

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