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  1. Mama Kiki, I love your Best of 2012 post! I have loved watching the amazing year you have had living out your missions God-adventure. My BEST moment of 2012 was having the opportunity to return to Uganda (with YOU!) and see my sweet Christopher again. 🙂 I’m so excited to see what God has in store for both your family and mine in 2013 – pray big for us and we’ll be praying big for you! Love you, friend!

  2. I agree your best of 2012 post is great! I am a single mama who decided to step out in faith when God answered a life long prayer to adopt, he answered big with a sibling set! My best of 2012 was not a single moment but the bonding which occurred between my heart grown and homegrown children. I enjoy your blog, your adventure and energy! Happy New Year! ~ DeAnn

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