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  1. I love this blog. Everything we do is colored by our feelings. The important thing to accept is that feelings are never wrong nor right. They just are. And they are very real

  2. Ia, you are sooo right!! Feelings are never wrong- I always remind my kids that during the day. Also, when I’m mad and grumpy.. that’s not their fault. Its my responsibility to control my emotions and feelings. I love it when I hear parents say… YOU make ME so mad!! It’s just not true- our hearts reveal what’s inside: anger, fear, joy, peace, etc

    Thanks for your comment today!

  3. Okay, now how do you do this when you have babies?!!! Sometimes I feel like my top is gonna blow! 🙂 I can’t wait until they can start talking and actually tell me what is going on when they are upset. Of course, I can’t imagine them getting bigger because they are so darn cute and adorable right now.

    Love this post, Kari! Can’t wait to utilize it even more as my 2 grow!

  4. Talk to think! You definitely gave me a few things to think about here though. Thank you for sharing your heart on this matter.

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