Tom Davis is a Hero for orphans around the world!
I am honored to introduce you to my friend, Tom Davis. I have never actually met Tom in person, but I’m a huge fan of his books, videos, HopeChest ministry and websites. His passion is contagious and his mission crystal clear- take care of orphans! I received a phone call a few weeks ago, asking if I would consider partnering with Tom and HopeChest to raise money for a special Valentine’s Day Project for Ethiopia – Shirts For Shoes!
Would I consider?
I’m SO beyond excited I could burst, bringing HopeChest and Simply Love together for ONE incredible fundraising project. I thought it would be inspiring to have several of Tom’s friends (in real person) share who have served with him on HopeChest vision trips around the world. These testimonies will help you understand how it is possible for one person to make a difference in a world that has a staggering, 174 million orphans.
Why is Tom Davis’ passion for orphans so contagious?
In 1997, a transformation of the heart took place in Tom’s life. It was a time of realizing what things mattered most to God.
Tom is the President of CHILDREN’S HOPECHEST, a mission organization bringing God’s hope and love to orphans around the world. Their work is focused in the countries of Ethiopia, Uganda, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine. HopeChest helps churches and corporations around the U.S. Adopt an orphanage and make a real difference in the lives of orphans.
“At HopeChest, we meet practical and pressing needs. That’s the bottom line of caring for orphans. But we do more through a unique model that helps kids to overcome their circumstances and impact their world.”
“Tom’s passion for the children in Ethiopia was infectious. It is clear that he cares for all of these children. His tireless work to provide for their basic needs was a source of inspiration for us as we visited with hundreds of orphans over seven days.” Thomas C. Laughner- Ethiopia vision trip
“Tom is high energy and high enthusiasm. He is a passionate public speaker and actually quite funny. Those qualities, along with his big heart for God and God’s children, draw people to him and to his mission.” Shiloh Field- vision trip
“Tom leads his organization (Children’s Hopechest) in a way that really builds relationships with these kids who need strong relationships in their lives. During our trip to Ethiopia, he would engage the kids in one-on-one conversation, genuiniely loving them and wanting to know their story and to provide comfort. He is driven by the knowledge of what these kids have lived with and dealt with and to be able to come alongside them and provide hope for the future.” Karen Winstrom- Ethiopia vision trip
When do we start?
Starting this week, we will come together and make a difference for over 400 orphans that are sponsored by HopeChest. You will have many opportunities to really make an orphan’s very first Valentine’s Day unforgettable. Stay tuned right here on My Crazy Adoption for more information on HopeChest Ethiopia Project Fundraiser! We are all called to Simply Love – what a better way to spread love for Valentine’s Day.
How can you help?
You can start a FaceBook Event- invite your church family, Life Groups, Bible Studies, schools, and friends to purchase a shirt and wear it together on a special day- Sunday, Feb. 14th- Valentine’s Day!! Here’s what one friend shared- “My hubby and I decided that we would skip our annual meal out and purchase two matching HopeChest T Shirts instead. How romantic is that!” Thanks Teri Boosalis!
(All photos are used with permission from Tom Davis and HopeChest)
You go girl!!! Karen Wistrom
Absolutely love it! Can't wait to hear more! I'm praying that your DREAM will be realized soon. Thanks for such a great convo today!
HOW EXCITING! You are such an amazing woman!!
Thanks for doing this, you're awesome!
Tom, this is one of the most exciting projects I've had the honor of helping with… thank you for the opportunity for me & my Crazy bloggy friends to provide "Shirts For Shoes!" We are praying that God will be glorified! Have a safe trip to Africa- send our love!
Kari, I love your heart.