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  1. i can't wait to read this book! so love tom davis! thanks for posting it!no news yet! praying, praying, praying! love you!

  2. I am ready to read that book! Sounds amazing! On Tom's blog – the May 4th post – Duni shares a story about a baby she calls "Gracie". I am 99% sure she is talking about our daughter!!! I am so amazed by the hand of God, His timing, His provision – how perfectly it is all orchestrated. We met Tom back in November at the San Antonio Gala for AW. What a great man of God! So thankful for him and his work. So thankful that he is providing a simple/easy way for others to participate in getting Nutramigen to AWAA – that agency that totally ROCKS!!!Kari, thank you too for spreading the word. Love your heart!!!Blessings,Cindy Foote

  3. And I thought you were already on my roll! As well as the AWAA button…must have lost it when I moved to wordpress…YES, take my blog, put it on yours and I'll have my technologically savvy husband add the necessary buttons! I tried to find the book but it says out of print. Know any places I can get it for cheap?Melodie

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