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  1. Post on facebook. 🙂

    I want to go on a missions trip because I love Jesus, I love ministering to others, while ministering to others I learn much from them. I would choose Uganda, Haiti or India since I have never been there. 🙂

  2. I am sharing on facebook about the give away! Also, I would choose to go to Ethiopia because I hope to adopt from there someday, we have two sponsored boys there, and I would love to visit some of the orphanages!

  3. I posted it on facebook!

    My mother and I are already planning on going with Visiting Orphans to Haiti next June, but winning the trip would be wonderful! I went to Ethiopia in July of 2009 to bring home our twin girls and that trip changed me to the core. I will never be the same and I praise God for that. I have never been on a missions trip and I am looking for to see how the Lord will use me that week and the rest of my days.

  4. i tweeted @MamaEli

    i want the missions trip give away because my husband and sons and i were supposed to be on a 6 week missions trip this vary moment but the funds did not come in. everything had worked out so perfectly except God completely shut the door in the support dept. it was crushing as i have a HUGE heart for orphans and africa and have lived there but for 5 years i have been praying for the Lord to soften my husbands heart, and he has, and he had suggested the trip and then after much work and planning it didnt work out. i would love to bless my husband with the chance to see my heart. we are about to start the adoption process of one or two little miracles from ethiopia and i would love to send my husband where our babies are coming from. my prayer is that the Lord burdens his heart for africa. i know that He has not given me this passion for it to sit inside of me, but for a purpose.

  5. Ok! I added the blog button and sent out an e-mail to my contacts! I am already planning on going on the trip to Uganda in late July! God rocked my heart and world through reading Katie's blog and then ultimately called us to adoption! When I saw that there was a trip where I could go and serve at Amazima I knew God was calling. We have no idea what God is up to…we are trying to raise money to adopt and in the middle of it He is also calling me to go on this trip…what a blessing it would be to WIN the trip!! 🙂 Thanks so much…you are inspiring!

  6. I am posting on Facebook about this! Visiting Orphans represents everything that God has placed in my heart, and 'broken' my heart over, time and time again. I am an adoptive mama of many, and I am grateful for the opportunity to win a missions trip so that I can share the love of my Father with whomever He sends me to meet.

  7. I am entering for my daughter, Isabella. She has had a heart for missions and especially orphans since she was very little. She just returned from the MTW Global Missions Conference in TN and is ON FIRE to "go to the ends of the earth" for Jesus. i would love to help launch her into her vision through a Visitng Orphans mission trip!

  8. I just bought a shirt last night!

    I want to go on the mission trip because i feel this is my calling! Ever since i went to Ethiopia, God really put a passion in my heart for mission work (especially for orphans!). What a blessing that would be-to win! God bless!

  9. I posted the link on my facebook!

    If I were to win, I would probably choose to go to Uganda. I would love the opportunity to meet Katie Davis 🙂

  10. Shared on FB, posted on blog, heading over to buy a Tee!!! So neat to se how this is growing..look how the seed you sowed by being obedient to give away (1 :>) trip has multiplied!!! I am excited to go and love on children anywhere!!!

  11. I'm soooo excited we get another chance to win a missions trip!!!! I am posting all about it on my FB page and I'm going to tell where and why I want to go with visiting orphans!

    I have been dreaming of going to Africa for years. The only thing keeping me from going and loving those precious children is the money ,which I believe is the issue for most of us. I feel called to go there and spread the good news. To let these precious children know the love of our Lord and Saviour who died for them . To plant that seed in one child can create generations of a people with a heart after the Lord. I want to help in any way I can, I want to be a servant , I want to show them the love of Jesus Christ; to let them know they will never be forgotten never be forsaken, That they are so incredibly loved by their Father and His people. The place I would pick would be Uganda in June with YOU Kari. That is the trip I am aiming to go on and I truly feel the Lord will make a way for me and my husband to go. I had a dream the other night that I was talking in person with you and Amanda(which is weird cause I never met either of you) and God told me stop talking and just go. It is time for you to go and Love . It was an amazing dream and really convicted my heart. This has helped me realize even more He is leading me there and He will make a way. I'm so excited thankyou for doing this and Thankyou Visiting Orphans!!!!!!!

  12. I have sent a tweet and posted on FB. Praying God provides in amazing and huge ways. It's so great to see this grow and expand so much!! 🙂

    If I win, I would go in the Project HOPEFUL trip to Ethiopia and Uganda. God is moving in ways with that organization that makes my heart swell! I would LOVE to be a part of this trip and see what He's doing with ET and Uganda.

    Blessings to you!

  13. Just a ordinary person wanting to listen to God's commands….to visit the fatherless….I want to follow God's commands in my life and since coming back from ET and reading the book, "Radical"….I want to fulfill the promises that I committed to…to visit those in need.

    Bought a t-shirt yesterday and will put this on my facebook tonight!!! I WANT TO GO TO ET so that I CAN love on those kiddos some more and smell the ET air!!!! 🙂

    Prov. 3:5-6

  14. Fout t-shirts ordered, a shout out on Facebook and a blog entry telling people how incredible this opportunity is!!! I would love to see God send someone I know and love!

  15. I posted on facebook 🙂

    I am already going on the Uganda trip with VO in June. I would love to win an opportunity for that trip to be free so I could focus on fundraising money for donations and our work in Uganda.

  16. Shout out on Facebook…

    I honestly am not sure which trip I would pick. I've been to Ethiopia 3 times, and my heart longs to return, but maybe God would have me go somewhere else? I love the idea of going to Haiti or India.

    We have 5 kids, two who were adopted in 2007 from Ethiopia. Financially, we aren't able to pursue an adoption, but that doesn't mean that I can't still care for the widow and orphan. I'd love to do that with Visiting Orphans!!

  17. I sent out an email and I would love to go to Uganda.

    We are hoping to adopt from there once we move to Dallas in a few months and it would be incredible to experience the culture, learn more about the history behind the struggles in Uganda, and have stories to share with our children!

  18. bought the tee last week 🙂 today i gave a shout out on FB and here is the reason why i want to visit orphans. i had a dream that i WAS visiting orphans. i once was an orphan and now im not bc someone visited me :)God has put it in my heart and im excited to be a part of anything God is doing concerning the poor, widows and orphans. pure religion baby!

  19. What an awesome opportunity! Is it possible to make two entries? One for myself and one for my daughter anonymously. Who knows she may be drawn and I would love nothing more than to fulfil a dream for her of visiting orphans. I would choose Uganda or Ethiopia simply because we have felt called to these countries. Why, we don't know….. we've traveled on missions to Haiti and somehow God broke our hearts for Africa.

    So, I'm blogging, facebook posting and getting your message out any way possible. Who knows, the person that wins this trip may encounter Christ just when they needed it while serving Him by visiting His children in another country.

    My daughter recently had to do a project for a college class on her dream vacation….and the girl surprised us all with a powerpoint presentation on serving in Uganda, Zambia and Ethiopia. WOW…. caring for orphans and helping women by setting up work programs to contribute to their culture and economy. Not the average college students dream vacation. This is why I would like to enter on my daughter's behalf anonymously. 😉 We're fundraising and saving but a free trip would be quite a surprise!

    Bless VO and your staff for the work you do and providing such opportunities for others to serve God.

  20. Tweeted! I actually would like to enter my little brother…he has a dream of being a doctor someday. God has really been moving in his heart recently, giving him eyes for those less fortunate than he is and a desire to help in whatever way he can. I think a missions trip would be a life-changing and potentially career-shaping experience for him. It would be so neat to surprise him with this as an early Christmas gift!

  21. I bought a tshirt a couple days ago. And now I am doing step 4 which is sharing why I would love a trip. I always have had a burden on my heart to visit orphans. I absolutly love babies and children, and would love the oppurtunity to fufill my life long dream of getting the chance to love on orphans abroud. My heart goes out to children who have lost their parents due to AIDS so I would love to go to Africa. I have always dreamed of going to Africa, so that is what i would pick if I was the winner.

  22. I facebooked the contest and will mention again why and where I would love to go!

    Ethiopia is my choice. We love our daughter's birth country and would love to go back to serve the orphans there and those who care for them. Thanks for this opportunity!

  23. Already bought one tshirt, am blogging about it, putting the VO button on my blog and sharing on FB!

    I'm already going on the VO Project Hopeful trip in April, but free would mean those funds could go into our adoption fund and help with donations for Project Hopeful!

  24. Wow! I've been talking to Amanda at VO over the past couple of weeks, but I didn't know about this giveaway. Wonderful!

    I would love to go on a VO missions trip in order to work towards finding an orphanage that our church could partner with. I would love to go to Uganda or Haiti.

    I posted about the giveaway on my blog.

    Blessings to you!


  25. Hi Kari! I am entering w/#1 and #4…I bought a VO t-shirt, and the reason I want to go to Uganda is that I feel God has been calling me to short term missions for the past 7 years. Through reading several books recently, as well as a number of blogs (including yours!), His voice became so loud and specific that I had to respond! 🙂

    I will be posting the VO button on my blog as soon as I leave here. Hope I'm entering in time! 🙂

  26. Kari, I'm trying to add the VO button to my blog but I'm pretty blog inept and can't figure it out. When I "copy" the button above and paste it in my layout, it just shows the words to the link, not the button. Do I need code to copy? Thanks!

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