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  1. How did you know that I needed this reminder today? My waiting story began 2 years ago for our daughter, Desta Hope. In college, my mentor, Ruth, asked us to say one character trait we felt we needed to work on. I stupidly said patience. Oh my, little did I know how that trait (15 years later!) is still being worked on. So today I will claim our daughter's name meaning "JOY" and WAIT PATIENTLY for her arrival! Melodie

  2. Wow, your words were such a reassurance to me after the message I just posted. It was a reminder from our Father that the wait will be over eventually and it will have been worth it all. Thank you for your post!Emily B

  3. Waiting, waiting, waiting for a referral of a two year old little boy! We know it will come in God's perfect timing but, somedays, I can't help but think, "When will the day come?"I agree with you, the longer we wait the more sweet it will be!!

  4. Waiting for my sweet boy in Ethiopia! Can't wait to get my book. Did you hear Neal's are joinging us? Whoo Hoo

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