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  1. I love the 18 mos pregnant comment! I might have to borrow it when I am feeling especially feisty 🙂

  2. Thats wonderful. I also love the 18 months pregnant comment my kiddos would die of embarassment if I were to say that. Too funny.

  3. Congratulations on being paper preganant again! What is your gender and age request this time around? How wonderful that God is expanding your family again!

    Erica R.

  4. I just read the older posts (sorry, I'm behind on blog stalking) and saw your requests – how wonderful! I'm praying that your wait will be amazingly short!

  5. YEAH! Congrats…….back in the game again. So wonderful. I can't wait to walk this road with you again! Does this mean another NYC trip is n the works? Oh please, oh please. 🙂

  6. Congrats on being prego again! 🙂 Good luck playing it cool this time. . .I don't really see that happening!!! What is your plan? A toddler or another baby? Boy or girl? So fun!!! Andy is in Rwanda today meeting Ruk. . .please pray!!!

  7. Hi Kari, How very exciting. We received our call on the 14th. We are also paper chasing again. It is great to be back with all of you again. We can't wait to meet up with everyone at the reunion. See you soon. Congratulation to your family.

  8. Hey! Congrats…can't wait to see you guys soon!! AND…guess what??! We should be just a few days behind you in the ET adoption process!!! We submitted our online app about 10 days ago 🙂 Maybe we will travel together this time around…

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