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  1. i DO love the Wednesday recipes, but it's a little like reading Japanese. I'm not much of a cook. However, I do love to bake! I'm definitely going to try my hand at these. BTW, we're really trying to work out the AWAA reunion trip.

  2. Love Wow Wednesdays 🙂 Lazy Chocolate Chip… my favorite… however, I haven't had any others. What ever we do you better carry them – I might possibly toss them in the air (a litte inside joke for the day – lol)Love ya!

  3. Love, love, love the Captain Crunch chicken last week. My kids want again this week.I was looking forward to what you were going to WOW us with today!Can't wait to try the scones too!Love, Kara Portilla (YG)Kara P.

  4. I love your recipes! We don't know each other, but I am also adopting from Ethiopia and your blog has been a blessing to me (and your recipes a blessing to my family! hee hee).Ashley

  5. Loved the Captain Crunch Chicken tenders…….made them for my kids the other night and they were a huge hit…..thanks so much for introducing me to a great new chicken recipe!Staci Jarvie (YG)

  6. I came across your blog today and love it (we're also adopting from Ethipia!) I also have been meaning to try scones for a long time and now my mouth is watering. I'll definitely try out your recipe. Thanks!

  7. Kari. I used to make scones "occasionally". Sometime during our adoption of Benaiah, we started having scones, ET Coffee, and prayer for AWAA and ET families EVERY Sunday. I'm so glad you got us hooked on this. EVERYONE loves this new Sunday Scone tradition.

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