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  1. The Same Kind of Different as Me.

    by Ron Hall and Denver Moore -it is amy absolute favorite book on friendship and how important is is to have Christ at the center.

    Good News about Injustice by Gary Haugen

    He is the founder of International Justice Mission, a Christian organization dedicated to abolishing modern-day slavery and other forms of social injustce.

    -I just started it, it's good so far!

    1. I cant wait to read these… my sis in law wrote a book on friendship. I will have to ask her if she read The Same Kind of Different Me… great title! Thanks Sarah

  2. Voyage of the Dawn Treader

    Of course, this is the 3rd time I've read it, but it is my favorite one in the series. And I NEVER read books over again. The part where Aslan takes the scales off of Eustace gets me every time. Such an amazing picture of how God redeems us and makes us new, even though it can be so very painful in the process. AWEsome book!

    1. I will confess I never made it past the 1st one, but should really read the series this summer! My son loved them all! Love ya Nina

  3. Money, Possessions & Eternity – Randy Alcorn. I like it because it is challenging me to LIVE as if I am truly just 'passing through' and this world is not my home… something I desperately need in this era of materialism and self gratification.

    1. My hubby really likes reading anything Randy Alcorn… this sounds like a challenging book for me to read. God has broken me in both areas the past 5 years- money & possessions!! Thanks for sharing Chantelle!

  4. I just finished "Radical" by David Platt–it was INCREDIBLE–one of the most inspiring books I've read in a long time. Also reading "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns which is very good as well. Love all the recommendations from everyone!

  5. Three cups of tea, Greg Mortenson… Been on my shelf for a few years, but moving and adoption life were more important. Now when Winnie sleeps I take time for mommy to read… or sleep 🙂

  6. Sarah, Same Kind of Different as Me was AMAZING!! Kari, you would love it!

    I am reading “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan – So good!! My 14 year old son Tem just finished Chan’s book “Crazy Love” and keeps trying to give it away to his friends to read too!!

    In fiction, my girlfriend just gave me the book “Darcy’s Story” – It is Pride and Prejudice from Darcy’s point of view.

    For a good laugh, read Jonathan Acuff’s “Stuff Christians Like”. Hilarious!!

    1. Well… you are my BF so anything you read I want to read too:))) 2 votes for Same Kind of Different as Me!! Tem is the coolest teen I know! Good for him… he's got such a lions heart for the Lord! Gotta get Darcy's Story- sounds yummy!

  7. Same Kind of Different as Me is my all-time favorite book. It is amazing and they are actually making a movie out of it. Everyone should read it!! The Hole in Our Gospel is also a fave of mine. Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan are great too. All of these books challenge us as Christians, in different ways, to put our faith into action. I love them!

  8. I agree that Same Kind of Different as Me is worth reading. I did a review of the follow up book and included a bit about the first if you want to check it out. You will love the book!

    So far, my favorite book this year was The Spirit and Presence of Christ about the Holy Spirit. Right now I am reading Living the Praying Life and it is excellent! If you have never read Stepping Heavenward, I also recommend it (fiction diary written over 100 years ago); it is a beautiful story of a woman who walks with God during her life.

    oing but it looks like you are getting lots of good idea! I will come back and check later. I enjoy getting new suggestions.

    I could keep g

  9. I just read in a day "A Tale of Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness" by Gene Edwards. It's a great book for those who have been hurt by Christians–challenging and powerful. I'm also reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver to help us on being more justice-oriented in our food choices. Very different books. Both potentially life-changing.

  10. My "real" reads are a lot of what has been posted… I recently read Red Letters and WOW!

    Have you ever read the Yada Yada Prayer Group series by Neta Jackson… GREAT books!

    But I also have some guilty pleasure reads and right now I'm reading these very quick books by Karen Cushman… "Rodzina" ( about the orphan trains), "The Midwife's Aprentice" and "Catherine Called Birdy". I was pre-reading them for my daughter, realized they're too old for HER, but I like them. 🙂

    I also love anything to do with Jane Austen or Jane Austen continuations and will meekly admit to reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. 🙂

  11. Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel

    The Strength of Mercy by Jan Beazely (she and her family founded AGCI) I couldn't put it down!

    On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness and North! or be Eaten by Andrew Peterson These are so good. They are fun for older kids too!

  12. REVOLUTION IN WORLD MISSIONS by K.P.Yohannan, FORGOTTEN GOD by Francis Chan, and WILD GOOSE CHASE by Mark Batterson. Just completed IT'S NOT OKAY WITH ME. All are rockin' my heart in a major way!!!!

  13. I also have some of these books mentioned on my dresser in my "to read" pile. Right now I'm starting Jennifer Rothschild's Lessons I Learned in the Dark, and I have Three Cups of Tea on hold for me to get at the library as well.

  14. Kari–

    Love these kinds of posts–I'm always on the lookout for a good book 🙂

    Just finished One Million Arrows (per your suggestion sometime back). While I was buying that I ended up getting A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family (Mary Ostyn, Ethiopian adoption guru during our adoptions) and that led me to pick up her cookbook, too.

    If you need another vote for Same Kind of Different as Me…I *loved* it! Heartbreaking and convicting. Very good.

  15. "Hole in the Gospel" by Richard Stern's

    The president of World Vision – Excellent book!

    Just finished reading Crazy Love, Forgotten God and Under the Overpass. Under the Overpass is about a college student that lived like a homeless man for 5 months. Gives such insight to the homeless and their feelings.

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