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  1. I love these necklaces!!

    1. Have your button on my blog= CHECK!

    2. Facebooked about your giveaway= CHECK!

    3. Voted for you on Top Mommy Blog= CHECK!

    4. What's in my heart? Children!!! As I sit in my classroom waiting for my little ones to get here, I can't explain how much I care about each and everyone of them. I want to teach them everything and instill in them the value of caring for others. I know these children can change the world we live in.

  2. I get four entries 😀

    What's in my heart– my family– both my family that is here in my house with me today and my family that is waiting for me in Ethiopia. The other thing in my heart is the 147 million+ orphans. Not a day goes by that my heart isn't broken for them and that we don't pray for families for every single one!

  3. Okay. I voted for your blog and I'm going to tell you what's in my heart. So that's two entries. 🙂

    What's in my heart? writing, God, my family, ministry.

  4. I did it all! Blog, FB, vote, and now the mush…

    My heart has a heaviness for orphans, and I'm trying to figure out what God wants me to do with it.

    I'm also crazy about my precious family!

    Love you!

  5. I get 4 entries

    What's in my heart? – My baby boy who we are waiting to pick up from Ethiopia. We have watched him grow up in pictures since June and are praying that Tuesday is our day to pass court!

  6. 1. Have your button on my blog (I could not get the button to show up but there is a working link to your blog on my blog)

    2. Facebooked about your giveaway

    3. Voted for you on Top Mommy Blog

    4. What is in my heart – Jesus, my husband, my two cute kids and ever since we began our adoption process the orphans in Ethiopia – there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about them and wonder what more we can do to help.

    I really enjoy your blog. You have a great ministry with it. 🙂

  7. I have two entries your button on my blog and want to share what I have a heart for. I have a heart for the orphan and want to make a difference in the life of a child. I want to see the day when there are no orphans and that every child has a family and the greatest gift…LOVE.

  8. I just found your blog last week and think it is great! I voted for you to be #1.

    What's on my heart? How awesome God is to bring so many wonderful families together through adoption! I am always amazed at the different stories and am so thankful he allowed us to experience it in our own family.

  9. I voted for your top mommy blog & purchased a couple of the t-shirts recently. As for what's on my heart: a little Navajo girl named Monica. Monica is on my heart. I can't go into details because of the great pride that is within her family, but this sweet little 10 yr old girl has been deeply impressed on my heart. Praying for Monica.

  10. What a fun giveaway! I earned 4 entries for facebooking, adding your button to my blog, clicking to make your's #1, and for saying that my heart is so full of love for Jesus, my husband and little girl, our baby that we're going to adopt in Ethiopia, my crazy students at school, my church, oh goodness I could go on!

  11. Hi Kari! You have awesome giveaways I must say!! Well, once I finally figured out how to put your button on my blog I got er ' done. I won't tell you how many times I tried to figure out. LOL So,

    1. your button is on my blog

    2. I voted for you!! :0)

    3. I shared about your giveaway on Facebook

    4. Oh boy , what is in my heart… Well, I can hardly focus on anything as I just applied to go on this Crazy Missions Trip!! WOO HOOO. AFRICA is in my heart and how I cannot wait to love on all of those children. This has been a CRAZY day as I have been dreaming about this CRAZY trip!!!!!

  12. 1 – Your button is on my blog

    2 – I voted for you!

    3 – My heart is getting fuller by the day as we just received our referral for twin 6 year old boys from Ethiopia! :0)

    I don't have facebook or twitter or I would totally share about it! :0(

    ps – can you share where you can purchase this necklace (in case I don't win)? This would be on the top of my Christmas list for this year!!!

  13. 1. Already have your button!

    2. Just posted on FB!

    3. Just voted. Still #3

    4. What's in my heart: Most importantly my desire to be more Christ-like in everything I do!

    4 entries for me! Hope all is well with you!

  14. Four entries from me! Check!!

    1. Button on our blog= CHECK!

    2. Posted your blog link on my FB= CHECK!

    3. Voted for you for Top Mommy Blog= CHECK!

    4. What’s in my heart?

    My heart is daily thinking and praying for our little baby boy in Rwanda. Our family of 3 will become a family of 4 over the next year as we pursue adopting a precious little boy. We already ache for him & don't even know his name/face! Also, since the earthquake in Haiti, my heart is heavy for the hurting children/families/adults there!

  15. what's in my heart? My mom for sure. she's one of my best friends and this would be for her if I was so lucky to win. 🙂 she's been through a lot but is very strong.

    I don't know if you entered the Holey Donuts giveaway or not, but if you could check out this post and do so for my blog, it would mean a TON for my family and you can enter for the book afterwards too if you wish (White Cat by Holly Black ARC)!:

  16. 3 votes 🙂 (blog button, voted for ya, & my mushy heart)

    What's in my heart?? My Savior! My amazing husband and SIX miracle babies!! What an unbelievable fairytale life I have been blessed with. God continues to weave our family in the most beautiful way!!

  17. I voted (and will vote again – love your blog!). I can tell you easily what is in my heart – my two daughters that God united me with in China. They fill my heart everyday with gratitude at the miracles that brought them into my life so that a longing single mother could have the children she had longed for so long.

  18. Voted for your blog – I truly believe you are doing wonderful things with it and deserve to be #1!

    Also, what in my heart: 2 crazy, wild little monkeys here with me, and one princess waiting for us in Ethiopia, my faith & love for my wonderful husband!

  19. First of all, I wanted to let you know that your blog is great. Thank you for all the helpful information.

    I have followed your instructions as follows:

    Added your button: 1

    Voted for your blog: 2

    Telling you what is in my heart: 1

    What is in my heart; Jesus, my husband, my biological children, my children waiting for me in Ethiopia,friends, family, my silly dog,and I am sure more stuff but that all is I will bring to your attention at this time. 🙂


    Happy Valentine's Day,


  20. I love this necklace!!

    I've posted your link on my FB page…

    plus what's in my heart…

    'The unconditional love from my Savior…my beautiful family He has blessed me with…and the excitement of us adopting #3!'

  21. I would love a charm for each of my awesome, unique kids!! Cool giveaway!! Thanks.

    Oh…and I have 3 entries!!

  22. 3 entries please.

    What is in my heart?

    Jesus, my husband, Audrey, Halina, and our yet to be referred children from China and Ethiopia! Happy excitement to be able to join God in the work of helping orphans all over the world 🙂

  23. 4 Entries Here!

    You're on my FB page, my blog, voted and… <3..I am amazed at how adoption keeps "popping up" in my life. The Lord is awakening that love for me. I am on a committee at the church we attend for helping Adoptive families receive grants. The stories there and ones like yours make my heart ache.

    My heart is filled with love for my Jesus, my sweet family, and has an ever-softening love spot for the sweet babies who need. <3

    Plus your cool Christmas story about YOUR necklace makes me want one 🙂

  24. 1. Have your link on my blog. Check.

    2. I FB'd it! Check.

    3. Voted on top mommy blogs. Check.

    4. What's in my heart: To love Jesus, serve others, and raise awareness for orphans.

  25. Kari-

    I have 3 entries. I just have to tell you that I really admire all that you are doing. What is in my heart, to love Jesus and be a Jesus like person doing Jesus like stuff, love my family and bring love and awareness to those less fortunate. I have a passion for meeting new people and working with kids with disabilities as a nurse. I also love listening to little kids learn to say new words…SO CUTE!! Have a fabulous Valentines Day!!

  26. button – check

    voting – check

    in my heart – check

    In my heart are my hubby & 2 precious boys I can squeeze every day AND a longing for my precious one who is waiting in India. In my heart is the confidence that God will bring him home at just the perfect time. Sprinkle in an intense love for helping people realize their dream to adopt, and that's a full heart. Of course there's also room for chocolate milk, coca-cola classic, and running. 🙂

  27. Good Morning!! 🙂

    I get 4 entries….Your button is on my blog, I posted on FB & Twitter, I voted for your wonderful blog, and what's in my heart…. My Savior, my husband, my children, Spreading the word on the orphan crisis, starting the buzz for an orphan ministry at our church, and following the path that God is leading me on ever steadily towards adopting. 🙂

  28. Kari

    In my heart is the yearning desire to be more like Christ. I feel I have such a long way to go and I know that when I am still at His feet, then EVERYTHING that is in His heart will be placed in mine.

    I have your button on my blog and I do vote for you several times a week…. honest!!

    Beautiful necklace……. I know the winner will be one blessed Lady this Valentines!!!


  29. I just voted for your mommy blog 🙂

    And your AR family and little miss in China is certainly in my heart!!!!!

    Thanks for the urge to enter! Youre so precious to me! 🙂

  30. I voted for you!

    My grandchildren are what's in my heart. I had my children when I was very young and I feel that I missed out on some of the best stuff by not realizing how wonderful those times really were. I am now blessed with four beautiful grandchildren and I watch them on the weekends because both parents work and even though it is A LOT of work I love being able to share these early years with them.

    I read about a mother who is losing her child to cancer and it puts all of the little things that the kids do that get under my skin. I am so very grateful that they are all healthy wonderful children.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway.

  31. 1. i voted for you

    2. you're posted on my blog

    3. you're posted on my FB page

    The wonderful love of my Savior Jesus is in my heart. He fills me up. He gives me the unconditional love that no other can give me.

    Thank you so much for doing this give-a-way! I love reading your blog!! ~Madison Couch

  32. Woohoo! I'm good for all four entries. What's on my heart right now….I'm in this place between scared and trusting that we're going to come up with travel money. Hmmm, is that too honest? I mean, ::giggle, giggle:: Valentine's Day, like hooray! 🙂

    (Kari…you can moderate this part out….I'm having a giveaway on my blog and I'm pretty sure Zoie would look divine in what I'm giving away…)

  33. 1) voted

    2) added your button…

    3) FB'd you…

    4) My heart… gratitude today for the amazing reminder that God is my everything. He loves me… with UNFAILING LOVE! I am THANKFUL!

    And I got my shirts… so excited to share them with my friends!

  34. What's in my heart? God's healing-grace…'but for the grace of God, I am what I am'…a child of God…I am whole!

    My fav candy? Anything dark chocolate!!

    I voted for you!!

    Total= 2 entries

  35. HI sweet friend, how fun reading these…you are the best!

    What's in my heart……my children, God's children, my husband, my Father, love, those dear friends who share in serving the needy children around the world, my family, red velvet cupcakes, and a lot of craziness and sillyness!

  36. Hi Kari,

    3 entries for me please!

    -I voted for you.

    -posted about you on FB

    -Below is my "what is in my heart" entry

    What is in my heart…is an extremely fast heartbeat because of all of the chocolate I have eaten on this "crazy", glorious Valentine's Day!!! I also have some mad love for my Lord, my hubby, and my kiddos!!!

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