Your Crazy Adoption
Cavitt Family
How it the world am I supposed to choose only one crazy story?? LOL!
After we completed our home study in Jacksboro, it became clear that God was calling my husband to a new ministry position in Amarillo. New job. New city. New house. Just about everything that is “studied” in a home study would have to be done again. Still, we had great peace about the new ministry, and we eagerly accepted the position and moved the day after Christmas! Crazy!
Part of the crazy second home study process included my sweet husband and sons building a new fence for our Amarillo home on frozen ground in the dead of winter because our old, splintery fence would not pass a home inspection.
The sale of our Jacksboro home closed quickly (praise!) after we were settling in to our Amarillo home. Suddenly it was very clear to us one major reason for a move mid-adoption. In Jacksboro, we were “sitting on” much of the funding necessary for our adoption. The proceeds of our home sale helped us complete the adoption. We had no idea how much or how quickly our home’s value had appreciated and that God was orchestrating a brilliant plan that made no sense to us.
Our daughter was born in Ethiopia about a month after we moved to Amarillo. If we had stayed in Jacksboro and proceeded at the pace we thought we should be going without all of what appeared to be “delays” in our adoption process, our Abby would not have been referred to us. Almost three years after the move, I simply cannot imagine missing God’s timing. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9