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  1. We share this special day with you. There are no words to describe it all, are there? Congrats to sweet Zoie and your family. Enjoy your day of celebration!

  2. that is so funny. i call the golfer jack nicholson too. i remember the videos of you waiting…so hilarious!

  3. Congratualtions on this big day! Waiting at the top is very hard and as each week passes without a call, it is so depressing. I really needed to read this post to bring perspective back into my life right now – God's timing is always perfect. Thank you for sharing your memories!Erica R.

  4. i remember it all well… the days of waiting were finally over and you got to see those beautiful big brown eyes! WHat a gift! Happy one year! We love you all and sweet Zoie. She is such a beautiful little one.

  5. I can not believe it's been one year ago that you first saw the sweet face of Zo! Wow – how time can fly. So thankful for your friendship and how you have allowed us the opportunity to share in your family's joy of adoption. It has truly been a blessing to us as we have walked this journey!!Love you all Gibsons!!!Kim

  6. Yes, I would love to be added to your blogroll. Thanks. And you'll be on mine… once I get on top of that. 🙂

  7. beautiful zoie! amazing to see you she totally looks like you birthed her now!…so absolutely chosen for your family! God is so incredibly good!!!

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