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  1. Oh, believe me, I am NOT judging! 🙂 While we didn’t have trouble giving up the bottle, we had a really hard time giving up the binky (pacifier) and SIPPY CUPS!! Oh my goodness, we held on to those silly cups WAY past their time! Do you give her the bottle IN the bed? Just be careful, cuz bottles while sleeping can cause terrible tooth decay. 🙂

  2. Valerie- I love ya sister!!! She actually sucks it down so fast she doesn’t sleep with it… I don’t want my princess to have tooth decay! Yikes!!! That is REALLY great advice. xoxo

  3. We had a hard time getting rid of the bottles too. I just loved snuggling with them while they drank it. Also, they took comfort in it. I couldn’t say no. I think all of them were done by three though. Some sooner. Paci’s were hard with one of them, but then we were transitioning to a new town etc so I let it go until we were settled. Blankies are still a “thing” that I’ve never said no to. I remember cuddling on my momma’s pillow drinking in her smell and it was comforting to me. If they need it to feel comfy at night, it’s all good to me.

    BTW, such a cutie with those big brown eyes!!

    First time commenter on your blog. LOVE it!

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