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  1. What a lovely website of ministry!I just happen to see the Scripture at the top of your page..and that got my attention!My husband are involved with the Joseph Project sponsered by the MJAA (Messianic Jewish Alliance of America) that sends humanitarian aid to Israel and to the Ethiopian Jews in Gondar, Ethiopia. Right now wells for clean drinking water are being provided as the pledges come in year round. If you are interested in giving a pledge to the Joseph Project especially to provide humanitarian aid to the Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel), go to the website— and there you will see their information. Merry Christmas to all of you, and blessings and good health be upon you! Isaiah 58SHIRAH

  2. that is soooo funny! i could picture my mom (or me) doing that (threatening the elf). heehee…that will put you on the naughty list for sure:)

  3. Kari:I just can't believe that you could get loud or threatning anyone (much less an elf) LOL!!!!You guys look so great and Miss Zoie, WOW!! She is growing like crazy!! We are taking the kids to see Santa this weekend! We'll find out if Myli likes him! PS – Myli has the same outfit that Zoie is wearing! It's a little too warm for FL but I love it, so soft!Merry Christmas to your family!Love,Mama Mel

  4. What a scream! Literally! He-He! Kari, I love the scarf and gloves. You look great in zebra. I love the traditions of Christmas! What fun.Love, Theresa

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