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  1. Kari, this is beautiful. I am so thankful that God brought you on this journey and gave you this glimpse into your dear Zoie's beginnings. What a blessing it must have been for the sergeant to be able to see how Zoie's story "ended". Isn't God amazing to not just bless us, but go above and beyond and even answer the hidden questions of our heart?!

  2. Kari, this ongoing story is the the most amazing story I've heard (and experienced!) in my life! Continue in your obedience to Gods calling on you to love and protect the fatherless and God will surely continue to bless you in these amazing ways!! I'm certain this is only the next chapter, and this story is FAR from being over!!

  3. Kari, Even though I was on the trip with you and I already knew this story I am still crying just reading this. What an amazing gift God gave you that day! I pray that you and Roger will one day meet Zoie's birthmom and it will be everything you have ever dreamed and more!

  4. Kiki, I love your heart, your passion, and your ability to express them both. Thank you for reminding all us adoptive mommies and daddys that before He placed our child in our hearts and in our arms — He was watching out for them. He had their best interest in His big heart. I am so thankful for that in my own son's life. I love you dear friend, Kit

  5. Kari, I don’t know how I missed this post for so long. But I’m glad I found it and had the chance to read it. I am so happy for you and Roger, that you have one more piece to the puzzle. With your determination I’m sure more pieces will be found. I hope to serve with you again in the future. You are amazing. God bless!

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