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  1. Thank you for sharing this.  We were recently (yesterday) approached about a sibling set of 7. We were offered 5 or 7. I always thought we’d adopt from Uganda or Ethiopia, though I’ve wanted to adopt from foster care in the past. (I grew up in foster care as a child) I honestly just figured I’d have to wait until my children were fully grown. I concentrated more on praying that God would provide me children that would otherwise die without our help. Typically that isn’t children here in the states. Instead we may adopt after all from the states. It sounds a bit crazy. We have 5 children. They are still very young. We’d have anywhere from 10 -12 children if we decided to adopt all of them. All would be either under 10 or under 12. The bio mom has a new baby every year and I am usually pregnant by this time as well. I ask myself, can I handle this? Am I CRAZY? One child would be older than my two olders and we’ve always agreed as a couple that we wouldn’t displace the birth order. I wonder how this will effect my chidlren. Will all this attention divided harm my children? I am praying for clear direction Not my will but thine Lord. I pray if we do this that the body of Christ steps up and assist us in some manner. I pray for the mother who is about to lose what she may not realize is the most important hting to her in the world. I pray for children who, if things don’t work out in the next month in a half will feel completely abandoned once the TPR takes place. Ahhh but I have prayed long and hard for years to keep siblings togetehr. My daughter has prayed daily for several years for a  sister. She may well soon have FIVE! Praying for you. Praying for us also. Blessed mom of 5

  2. Man, Carrie, I hate crying my computer, but here I am with tears in my eyes.  So proud of you guys and it is so fun to watch God work this miracle in your lives.  Can’t wait to get our kiddos together!!

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