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  1. Well, this seems awfully timely considering the hulabaloo that has been erupting in my heart recently. I don't know how … but God does. That said, I look forward to purchasing some shirts and seeing exactly how God works in lives through your giveaway. THIS is what I find super exciting! Thanks!!!

  2. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

    Though it tarries, wait for it;

    Because it will surely come,

    It will not tarry.


    GOD will make a way, when there seems to be no way.

    Way to go Kari GirL! God chose you for this at this time because HE knows you are willing and you are obedient. Oh the blessings!!! Proud of you and excited for this crazy dream!!!

    Praying for you ALWAYS! Praying for you ALL WAYS!

    love you & will be hugging you in february 2011!!!

  3. is it okay that I have chills head to toe right now…and that Ethiopia has been heavy on my heart?! I'm in!!

  4. hey! this is great! i heard about this through a friend's post on facebook….i like the tshirt designs…i just bought one but i didnt see a chance to put the missions giveaway message (i probably went too fast)…i just want to make sure that you know the tee i bought goes towards this.


    ps. im bookmarking your blog… ๐Ÿ™‚ i have friends who have an orphan awareness organization and their main country is ethiopia too….really awesome. its

  5. Hello,

    I came across your Giveaway through a blog post by Lauren Nicloe with A Smile And A Song

    I just purchased a T-Shirt..username inhissight…and I didn't see a place to enter the information..and was hoping since I will not be able to enter as I have a young family to tend..though we would love to serve in that Capacity if the Lord ever saw fit for us to do so..We do Love and support Family Missions..But if my purchase can go torwads Lauren Nicole as an entry..May the Lord Continue to Bless your Ministry and May He begin to prepare the person in Whom he Chooses..

    Many Blessings to you and your Family

  6. Hey friend! Here is the verse I mentioned to you on the phone this afternoon. "This is how we can be sure that we are living in God: Whosoever says that he lives in God must live as Jesus did." I John 1:5-6 (NCV) I loved this verse! You are living 1 John 1:5-6 Kari by going for your God dreams. You are being a world changer! A life changer! and loving those in need!! Let's all be world changers and buy a Tshirt!!!! How easy you have made us to participate in something big ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hi Kari,

    I'm buying 2 T-Shirts to help support your "CRAZY DREAM"! I can't go on the mission, as we recently got home from ET with our baby, but, I will spread the word to buy your BEAUTIFUL T-Shirts!!!! Isupport all the wonderful things you do!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!

    Love You,

    Sherrie xoxo

  8. This is an AMAZING dream! I *love* it, Kari!!! I'm so excited for the person who will win this awesome opportunity–going to your store right now (I haven't seen this shirts lately, they are all so fantastic).

    I'm just blown away by what God is doing through you–

    many hugs,


  9. I'm so excited about this. Thank You for this great opportunity.

    Is it possible for others to purchase T-shirts and ask for the entry form to be in my name?

  10. whhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!! what fun!! just might be there in ET getting our little Samson Jude!! hopefully before, but you never know… but we have daughters up for the mission trip!!

  11. I have been soooo mulling over going on this trip!!! I already own 2 of your fantastic "Simply Love" t-shirts & my son just got a mens shirt! I LOVE the new designs!! Must. have. them. all!! :o)

    My husband & I and our 3 kids went to Kenya this summer on our first ever mission trip & needless to say, it was LIFE-ALTERING! Africa & its people have been embedded in my heart & I long to return!!

  12. i bought my t-shirt today! i entered both of the mini's and am so happy for the girls that were blessed with the trips! i have wanted to go on a missions trip for as long as i can remember and am praying i will get my opportunity soon. it all seems so impossible, but i know with God ALL THINGS are possible!!! even if i don't get chosen, (which i hope i do) i know one day i will get to fulfill my dream too!! blessings to you for being obedient to God and having the courage to step out and be His vessel!!!

  13. Well I have been out the loop for awhile!! Look at what you are doing Kari!! I am amazed by your generosity and I think this is a wonderful idea!!!

    Well I am going to go for it!!! I shall head over and buy a couple of t shirts, (or more, have not looked at them yet so I may go a little crazy) and I would LOVE to be entered to win. (Ahh the Lord knows how I would like to go on a trip there but I trust His time!! And now that I will not be having my baby Jude in January, I have the freedom to go!! )

    Praying for God to sell all those t shirts!! I shall put it on my blog too.

    love you friend…… hope to meet you someday!!


  14. Yes today is the 28th and I want to enter to win the mission trip!!!!! I want to buy one! Thank you so much!

    God BLess, Heidi Schafbuch

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