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    1. Tonya, you are the CRAZY WINNER of the Family Giveaway. I will need to receive an email confirmation back from you in 24 hrs or I will have to choose a new winner- thanks for your understanding. Hope to hear from you soon!


  1. 127 as in James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world".

  2. 254 is my guess! That is how many orphans are in haiti that are in the process of being adopted by americans! :0) praying they get to their new families soon!

  3. 114- Ages of my two kids at home and ages of the two Mpholi carepoint kids that we sponsor, love, and pray for (11 and 4).

  4. I think 305! I bought a shirt on Friday and have linked to you on facebook and our blog! Praying that the fundraiser is a huge success!


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    Rwanda DTR 11/2/09

  5. 232. I'd choose women's design A, XS and men's B small, and youth med. I love what you're doing here. Such a great help to so many children. In fact, we have missionaries from our church in Ethiopia right now. It's always good to hear from them and to learn more about what's going on outside our own local area.

  6. I'm going with 127…..I can't wait until Feb. 1st for the simply love shirts, my husband wants the green one….I just love those shirts…..

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