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  1. Kari, I have thought of going on this trip with Visiting Orphans!! I just asked my husband if he would prayerfully consider this with me!! We are in the middle of moving back to the US and there are so many unknowns right now but I WOULD LOVE TO GO!!! I have been following Katie for along time now and love what she is doing!! To go there and see what she is doing first hand would be amazing!! To visit the orphanages and see the children would be something I have never done! It would be an absolute dream come true…. so I will pray and you never know…….

    My husband would stay home with our four children and that for me alone would be a huge step, plus I hate to fly!!! Oh you have to laugh!!! If God IS calling me to this, then He has such a way of making me deal with stepping out of my comfort zone!!!!

    Please pray with me Kari!! I'd love to go!

    1. Naomi, I was actually up at 3am this morning praying for my mission team. I'm in the same boat- my hubby will stay home with the kids & it make my heart at peace knowing they are in daddy's hands:) I'm very blessed with an incredible hubby & daddy. Sounds like you do too:) I will pray specifically that God will open the doors wide for you to be able to come. It truly will be a CRAZY trip of a life time.

  2. Kari, Im so praying about for me leaving my husband for 2 weeks with 3 kids all while trying to raise the money for our adoption..but I love Katie and this trip has been on my heart for months and to get to go with you and others would be great..praying for Gods leading

    1. Paige, I will pray!!!! I understand the desire to go, but also understand the challenges raising money for adoption. WHEW! God will let your heart know if this is the right time. The trip will be full of very unique experiences that you would NOT be able to do when you travel to pick up your child. That is something to consider, too:)

    1. Sister, you know how much I want you to go with Team Kari!!!! We will be crazy together:) God has opened this special opportunity and I'm extremely blessed to be able to go. We will need a team of 25 and a few spots have been taken, so definitely keep praying… thank you for allowing me to be a part of the HopeChest Valentines Day Project. This was really all your fault:)) lol

  3. This would be a dream come true! We will call on God and see what doors open. Huge door has already open with hubby saying yes to staying with our daughter. So we will see. I am filling out the app. right now.

  4. Oh, Kari, this would be awesome! I will pray for God's leading on this…my mind says that I shouldn't go b/c I would have to raise money for the trip while trying to raise money for our adoption. But God's ways our higher than our ways, so I'll just be praying that everyone on your team will know they are supposed to be on your team and that they will step out in obedience and faith to go…and that will be praying for myself in the process. 🙂

  5. Would so love to do this!! Don't know how I'd tear myself away from my fam — or come up with the $$ (b/c adoption #2 is draining us)…but, doesn't mean that God isn't bigger than my heart or finances!

  6. What a great opportunity!! To the ladies raising money for adoptions and leaving kids behind…don't let that stop you!!! God will provide! I went while waiting on our I171-H and He provided every penny for both adoption and missions. Go, go, go!!! Go for me!!

  7. I would absolutely LOVE to go. But I'm another trying to raise money for an adoption too… but I really want to do this! I'm going to be praying about this with my husband.

  8. Kari, I recently ran into you & your hubby & precious Zoie at VS in the mall/Springfield. It has been my hearts desire since highschool to do a trip like this. It just so happens that the locations you are offering are the two that have been on my heart. (Love Katie D!!) Praying about how to raise the $$ so I can join you on this mission of love. <3

  9. What an opportunity! I've been following Katie for a while now, and that would be Amazing! Pun intended! I'm hoping that someday my sister (Julie from Something Clever) will lead a trip that I can go on with her! Praying for you all!

  10. Kari, my heart is stirring and longing to go on this trip. I am taking this weekend to fast and pray about this. I do not think it is something that both my husband and I could do. Though I think it would be so powerful for him at go and long for that. But if only one of us could go I really want it to be me. I have been following Katies blog for awhile and I just love her and cry over just about every post. I hope you are not full. Monday , I will either send my application or not. 🙁 Of course every one of these opportunities leaves me w/ ….. " This is money that could go towards our adoption." But if adoption is not the will for this family , I am drawn and feel led to something and right now I think it may be this!!!

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